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How to create an SMS campaign?

Marketing tab --> SMS --> New campaign

You have the choice to create an SMS campaign for all your customers or only some of them. To do so, simply adjust the filters as shown in the video. 


You can filter your customer database by activity, by subscription type or by group. You can arrange your customers in a group of people via their customer record directly. 

Moreover, you can create personalized customer lists by entering people directly from the search bar.

In order to credit SMS on your Doinsport account, thank you to send an email containing the number of SMS that you wish to: support@doinsport.com


We will send you the invoicing by return of mail. 

Unit price of a SMS : 10 cents







Indicate the name of your campaign which will be used to find you in your history on your side. 

You have the choice to program the sending at the date and time that you think is the most relevant for your customers. 


Important information: 1 SMS = 145 characters